I remember while working in social work, the hype about men groups, men getting together and talking about their feelings, what a revolution. But it wasn't a revolution because all men wanted to do was to get together in groups and talk about their feelings. The End.
I deem it 'The Period of Froth'. Like the top of a latte or beer. The excited, sweet moment when everything is hunky dory. People are suddenly interested in what you say, it feels good. Warm. Ahhh twitter chats, glorious, bubbling outbursts of educational excitement. A perifilation of exclaimation points. then all the pomp and circumstance, as you enter the world of conference.
But then it ends and the routine of everyday life comes back to haunt you.
Twitter, collaboration, conferences and the like are gold, but better still is the harsh reality of critique, debate and angst as you change the world.
Good luck? I don't think so...................... Fortune to the Brave.
In response to Rebecca Sweeney's blog about collaboration. Bravo.